Thursday, October 22, 2009


Foil Comparison (that would be the Assassin one bottom of pic)

The moulds for the new Holroyd main foils have finally arrived, and look great. We excitedly preped them up and laid up our first main foil. Out of the mould the sharp sleekness is sure to impress as there are no other foils like it. Designed and engineered by two of the worlds best, Nick Holroyd and Giovanni Belgrano, there have been huge advancements not only in the shape of the foils but also in how they are put together. Our end result is something really special. We will be completing our on the water testing this weekend, after which they will go into full production. All new boats from now on will come with the new Holroyd foils and all other Assassin owners will be receiving their new foils over the next few months.